Accumulator Rules & Regulations

This information is a summary of OH&S requirements relating to hydraulic accumulators.

Hydraulic accumulators are pressure vessels and as such are covered by statutory regulation.

Any person importing, selling, or working on a pressure vessel must comply with these regulations.


Design Registration

Hydraulic accumulators (pressure vessels) with Hazard Levels A,B,C or D (as specified in AS4343:2014) (1), shall have their design verified by a 3rd party & registered with the local WorkSafe authority. (4) (2)

Vessels may be designed & manufactured according to any recognised international standard (ie AS1210, AD2000, ASME, EN14359, PD5500) provided the design is verified by an Australian 3rd party qualified to do so.

Older equipment must also be design verified & registered, this can be carried out, given applicable documentation on the vessels is available. The old design must be shown to comply with current standards.

Service Company


Hydraulic service companies proposing to pre-charge or repair an accumulator have a responsibility to their workers and customers to ensure compliance with Workplace Health & Safety regulations.

Whilst in their possession a service company takes on the role of “owner” of the vessel.

“A PCBU (persons conducting a business or undertaking) must not direct or allow a worker to use a registrable item of plant in the workplace if it has not been registered” (5)

The recommendation from WorkSafe/SafeWork is that “support organisations” such as hydraulic service companies have a duty of care to make a non compliant vessel safe (isolate, de-gas & strip if necessary) and make the owner aware of their legal responsibilities to maintain plant compliance.

Vessel Owner

In-Service Inspection

employer/owners must ensure that pressure equipment is inspected in accordance with AS3788:2024.

All Pressure vessel inspections shall be carried out by a competent person, such as a boiler inspector or company that specialises in pressure vessel inspections.

Plant owners should keep the inspection certificate as a record of inspection along with all documentation relating to the vessel. (2)

Item of Plant Registration

Hydraulic Accumulators with Hazard Levels A, B or C shall be registered as an item of plant with the local WorkSafe authority. (4)

Registration must be renewed annually in most states.

Plant owners with multiple accumulators in same location should enquire about “Multiple Registration of Plant Items”

References: (1) AS4343:2014 , (2) AS3788:2024 , (3) AS3920:2015 , (4) OH&S Regulation 2004 , (5) Code Of practice 2021 (Managing the risks of plant in the workplace)

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein should be used as a guide only. Exotech Fluid Management does not accept any responsibility with regard to the accuracy of the content or any legal ramifications which could arise from its use. It is the responsibility of the end user to make sure they comply with their local OH&S state requirements.

Compliance Table for Hydraulic Accumulators
Fc=10, Ff=10, Fs=3, VHG
(2 yearly)
(12 yearly)
0.075 - 0.50 210 E ! !
0.75 - 1.40 210 D 🗸 ! !
2.00 - 3.50 210 C 🗸 🗸 ! !
1 - 2.5 350 B 🗸 🗸 ! !
4 350 B 🗸 🗸 🗸 ! !
6 - 10 350 B 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
10 - 57 345 B 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
! Inspect in accordance with "Good Engineering Practice"
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